Friday, October 1, 2010

teen's self image and media

have you ever felt bad about the way you  look ? when you look on TV and magazine do you ever feel jealous of the models. Well if you are your  not the only one lots of teen age girl are upset about the models on TV. They usually do thing that's not necessary just to look the way models do. personally i was like that i always wanted to be like the model on the cover on a magazine but i realized I'm better off being like myself cause it makes thing a  lot easier and i learned i will always be beautiful being myself then trying to be like others. honestly i  think that the TV and  magazines  do not care  how girls feel about there self ,only about the products their selling. which really doesn't make since cause when you watch TV about models (like America's next top model.) The models say they wanna inspire girls but there inspiring them the wrong way it like they want them to be really skinny, some also wish they were taller or looked different practically messing with a girls self esteem. which is causing a lot of teen ages girls to have eating disorders. I think that the media should have girls all shapes and sizes not just really skinny girl that are tall,cause that mostly will inspire girls to be there self . maybe less chances that they will do anything stupid to hurt there body. but hey this is just my opp ion on what i think of the media  and teen self image if you want to look  up more about self image here's a web site. i think gives a lot of good  info you should check it out   :)


At October 1, 2010 at 11:10 AM , Blogger steve8071 said...

I loved this sentence: "The models say they wanna inspire girls but there inspiring them the wrong way it like they want them to be really skinny, some also wish they were taller or looked different practically messing with a girls self esteem."

I never thought about it like that, but you have a great point. What irony!!


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